Hunger relief organizations gain access to a network of local, BIPOC, refugee and immigrant farmers who grow culturally important produce for their communities.

Aggregating for Hunger Relief


Farmers receive a wide range of logistical support, packaging supplies, and materials for free or at a subsidized cost to help reduce barriers to scaling up and accessing wholesale markets.

Value Chain Coordination

New Roots coordinates sales, communications and logistics between hunger relief organizations and the network of farmers.

2 ways to purchase from the network:

  1. Get on the Fresh Sheet. New Roots sends a weekly fresh sheet during the growing season to qualified buyers.

  2. Forward Contracting. New Roots accepts upfront pre-season commitments to purchase a dollar amount or volume of produce from the network or a specific farmer. Forward Agreements give farmers financial security, starter funds for the season, and helps with crop planning. New Roots encourages organizations to adopt forward contracting when budgets allow.

100% of produce cultivated on IRC-managed land is grown organically.

Sample Produce

Meet the Farmers

New Roots works with 12 farmers to aggregate and sell produce locally.