New Roots offers farm-based job readiness programs for refugee, immigrant, and other underserved aspiring farmers in King County.

Farmer Training & Land Access

  • IRC New Roots works with partners in agriculture to deliver trainings and workshops that promote and teach skills in sustainable and organic farming practices.

    100% of produce cultivated on IRC-managed land is grown organically.

  • Farmers receive support from IRC’s New Roots and Economic Empowerment Teams, and other partners, to deliver farm-specific business coaching and financial literacy training.

  • IRC New Roots and its partners deliver workshops that help farmers learn more about local market and wholesale opportunities, and support with market-related costs to help reduce barriers to participating in the local food economy.

Training & Technical Assistance

Land Access

IRC New Roots manages 3.5 acres of farmland in South King County for shared cultivation space with 10 farmers.

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Infrastructure Access

Farmers receive a wide range of infrastructure support, supplies, and materials for free or at a subsidized cost to help reduce the financial burden on beginning farmers.

Meet the Farmers

New Roots works with 12 farmers to source and sell produce locally.

100% of produce cultivated on IRC-managed land is grown organically.